YUCH Executive Board: 2019-2020



    Sarah Lee, Branford ‘20

    Email: sarah.a.lee@yale.edu

Sarah is a senior in Branford, majoring in History of Art, while pursuing her studies alongside the pre-medicine track.  She is from the suburbs of Long Island, New York.  As of right now, she aspires to be a missionary pediatrician who travels the world to serve and heal others.  She most definitely loves flowers and small pups.  Besides hospice volunteer, Sarah is involved in the United Church of Westville (UCW), Volunteers Around the World (VAW), Global Medical Missions Alliance (GMMA), and she shadows in pediatric cardiology while also being involved in various research projects throughout the year.

I know firsthand how much influence a volunteer can yield when a beloved one gets sick or passes away.  When a patient is distressed and hopeless about his/her circumstances, the mere smile of a volunteer can go such a long way for that patient.  A single volunteer can lift a patient’s spirits or lift even the family’s morale.  YUCH has really taught me to love and care for the patients, and volunteering at YUCH has been so worthwhile for me.


    Kelly Li, Saybrook ‘20

    Email: kelly.li@yale.edu

Kelly is a senior in Saybrook from the suburbs of Philly, pursuing biomedical engineering on a pre-med track. Outside of CT Hospice, she also works as the Institutional Service Coordinator of Dwight Hall, connecting New Haven non-profits and student volunteers. At YNHH, she serves as an arts volunteer in the pediatric EC.

   Vice President of Training

    Eunice Baik, Trumbull ‘20

    Email: eunice.baik@yale.edu

Eunice is a senior in Trumbull college majoring in Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology. Outside of YUCH, she does clinical research in the trauma department at the medical school and is involved in United Church of Westville, a student-led Christian fellowship. When she isn’t busy with school work, she enjoys baking, drawing, and listening to music. In the future, she plans to become a doctor and is considering going into cardiology, though as of now she is still unsure.

   Vice President of Finances & Community Affairs

    Jerry Zhou, Trumbull ‘21

    Email: jerry.zhou@yale.edu

Hailing from Tennessee, Jerry Zhou is now a junior in Trumbull College, and although he is still figuring out exactly what his future may hold, he knows that the medical field is where he belongs. Aside from pre-med classes and scrolling through Facebook, Jerry loves rocking out with his fellow cellists in Low Strung and playing tennis on the weekends. He is incredibly excited to serve as Co-VP of Training and cannot wait to see the positive impact that YUCH will have on the lives of many individuals and their families this year.

   Vice President of Advocacy & Outreach

    Kendall Oliver, Pauli Murray ‘21

    Email: kendall.oliver@yale.edu

Kendall is a junior in Pauli Murray College from Orlando, Florida. She plans to study Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology while following a pre-medical track. Over the summer, she participated in the Science, Technology and Research Scholars (STARS) Program while doing research in the Breslow Lab. She also serves as a chair on both Yale Model Congress and Yale Model UN. She also serves on the board of the William F. Buckley, Jr. Program at Yale. Her interests include public health, personalized medicine, politics, and camping.